Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 17: Kung Fu Running Club supports #runforboston

As you may have figured out, I LOVE running. It's actually my first love with CrossFit being my second (okay, it's a toss-up between food and CrossFit, but I'll go with CrossFit for now). So when I heard about Boston, I was really sad. I finally got back to my office and streamed the news coverage that day until I had to leave for CrossFit. It's just ridiculous with what happened and I was glad to see our run clubs getting together to run for Boston.

We made signs and the runners wore green (yes, I know that is not the Boston Marathon colors, but I didn't organize it - just participated). With our run club (Kung Fu Running Club), we asked our runners to wear either green or blue and yellow. Our runs are always on Wednesday nights and through word of mouth and social media advertisement, we had 104 runners show up yesterday for this run. It was amazing! I was disappointed with the fact that my injury caused me to "man the table" and not run with the group. However, I was glad I was part of it :)

Really quick about Day 17: I still have yet to notice the fat melting away, but I did finish "It Starts With Food"!!! I ordered the book on the day I started the Whole30 challenge and it arrived on the 4th or 5th so let's just say I suggest reading the book before starting the Whole30 challenge. It is very resourceful and I enjoyed every bit of it!

I have noticed that my meals do not make me feel yucky or uncomfortably full. I am full and satisfied after each meal and usually am able to go without a snack (unless dinner is 6+ hours since my lunch).

My energy level is still consistent and I haven't had the extra cup of coffee during midday nor evening. I did get a cup of almond milk latte on Monday in between court settings, but that was because I went to a coffeehouse to prepare for my next trial and was too lazy to drive back to my office. 

I also noticed that last week, my tummy was going through some stuff, but I think it was the healing process from the "overcarbsumption" I had from my poor eating days.   I haven't really craved for brownies, cakes, blueberry cobblers, etc.  I have noticed my sweet tooth cravings are more towards fruits now (and Lara bars) and I know I need to not feed into it. 

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