Sunday, May 12, 2013

My Whole30 Recap

Yes, I am horrible at keeping up with my blog and I've been meaning to update... really! However, late is better than never so here's my reap on my Whole30 experience.  

First, I want to apologize for leaving the last 9 days blank, but the last nine days were about the same as all the other days.  I didn't experience anything different from before.  After my Whole30, I did lose weight, but not anything significant.  Honestly, I was a bit disappointed because my experience was not like all the testimony I've read about.  I didn't experience the "tiger blood" nor the crazy cravings for food I haven't had in years.  The only thing I did experience were the headaches at the beginning.  

How Whole30 helped me was learning about how my body works with food.  My cravings for sweets went down dramatically.  I used to have some sort of dessert right when I get home (i.e. ice cream, cakes, etc).  I would even eat sweets that I don't like.  It was bad and I recognized it too.  Now, I am able to pass on the desserts and not want the sugary stuff anymore. 

I am also eating breakfasts every day and that was something I didn't do before.  For most of my life, I went without breakfast (unless I was going out to meet up with friends or have brunch).  I was never really hungry in the mornings and a cup of coffee in the morning was suffice.  

My recovery from my workouts are a lot faster than before.  My soreness usually goes away by mid-day the next day after my work out.  I would wake up sore, but feel great and normal by 11AM.  It's not a bad thing when I'm usually sore all the time. 

So would I continue to do Whole30? I'm not sure.  I've been debating about it for a while.  Currently I am still on Whole30, but I am not sure for how long I'll keep this up. 

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